Sunday, April 10, 2011

Source code update

This week we will post new code to The following screenshot shows the Access HTML editor improvements.


HTML Editor enhancements:

  • Open content stored in an Access table
  • Save content
  • Common formatting including bold, italic, underline, fonts and colors
  • Undo, cut, copy and paste
  • Numbered list, bulleted list, outdent and indent
  • DataLinks
  • Find text
  • Insert content via a HyperBar control (not fully implemented)

Access Addin stability is another significant improvement. An abstract SurfaceController class and corresponding FormController and ReportController class was added to provide a clean and stable model to manage Access form and report controls. Access controls can be referenced as ThisDatabase.AllForms["Dashboard"].Controls(“Budget”). The SurfaceController handles the details including ensuring that Access is always released when closed.

Silverlight WebWidgets can be included in a database as an attachment and deployed to the client.

The source code also shows more Windows Workflow 4.0 to add .NET features into Access. The idea is to create common CodeActivities that others can drop into a Workflow to automate Access.

I will upload the new source code and provide more documentation later this week …